# craft # diy

Halloween serie suit; Mommy

How to make an easy and cheap Mommy

    Are we ready for today lesson, right, right; right I see all of you here and full ready so for today since we already start the Halloween series, I decide that we will made a very easy Halloween DIY that very young kids can make also and most important it very cheap so let me see if we have everything
 Hmmm we have:  

 â™¥ Milk bottle
 â™¥ Simple shopping bag
 â™¥ White glue
 â™¥ Brush 
 â™¥ Scissors  
 â™¥ Knife

  We start now so we take this empty milk bottle after we clean and all with help of a knife we cute part in a way we will have 2 eyes and 1 mouth anyway as you want it to be free your imagination 

Now we cute our shopping bag to pieces 

Time to glue the pieces of the shopping bag around the bottle 

Here we got our scary mummy you can add a candle inside to give scarier look ohhhh

So as we are used here our video 

The French version 

Oh here we are finish our scary mummy what do you think dear reader do you like have ideas questions suggestions share with me I will happy to read it all.

Have nice day to support me please follow me there

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