Medical use of Clay

Medical use!

     The medical use of clay was record from the very old ancient time, actually the very old record use of it back to the Mesopotamia civilization. As you know I start a series about clay in my last article I talk about the different type of clay and witch skin type would be used today I will talk about the medical use of clay so stay with me to learn more .
    The big different of mineral traces on clay explain the many healing properties of clay also it knowing for his Antibacterial Property witch it very effective on killing bacteria also it very knowing for his Absorption and Absorption properties and let not for forgot about the Detoxifying properties .

So let us start

External use; :
                     Mud bath

Very used almost on all spa around the world and I bring so many benefice to our body                       
As acne, eczema, rashes or other can use clay compresses or clay packs

                      Healing of injuries

As bruises and burn can use clay compresses          

Apply clay compress on neck for 20 min then for another 20 in your forehead

                                 Internal Organs
Apply a clay compress for 30 min on the place of the organ that hurt 

Internal use :

Photo from

Small amount used with water

    â™¥ Fixes free oxygen in the blood stream  
    ♥ Use against Diarrhea  
    ♥ Boosts Immunity by killing bacteria 
    â™¥ Stomach Aches  
    ♥ Eliminate internal parasites

French version of the article 

    I will put more use of medicine use clay with time hope you like this article if you have question or any suggestion just share on comment section I will be glad to answer everything

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